How Office Colors Effect Employees | Innovative Office Solutions

Innovative Office Solutions is your office productivity leader.  The following blog post continues our series of posts designed for you to rethink your everyday approach to productivity. 

We do a lot for ourselves to become more comfortable in the workplace.  While spending over one third of our lives at work, we do things we deem necessary to make our workspaces as comfortable as possible.  Surprisingly, one factor that gets overlooked too often are the colors with which we surround ourselves.  Science and color psychologists – yes, color psychologists – have concluded that certain colors help spark creativity and productivity, while others promote calm and soothing feelings.  Take these findings into consideration and begin to use the results to your advantage.  You may be surprised by the results.

Colors have a much more profound effect on our daily lives than we may realize.  Color psychologist Angela Wright states that, “When photons from the sun strike a colored object, that object absorbs only the wavelengths that match its own atomic structure, and they reflect the rest, and that’s what we see. So the different wavelengths strike the eye in different ways. In the retina, they are converted into electrical impulses that pass to the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus, which governs our endocrine system and hormones, and much of our activity.”  Basically, based on this explanation, colors have a profound effect on our emotions – whether we immediately realize it or not.


In today’s busy world, we’re always striving to increase productivity.  It seems like every time we turn around, there is a new app or gadget that occupies us, ultimately diverting our attention and decreasing our daily productive output.  It has been found, according to Wright’s research, the more intense the color – the more stimulated we are.  The lower the saturation of the color, the more relaxed and mellow we’ll feel.


As you may have guessed, different colors have different effects on our brain and ultimately – our emotions.  Take, for instance, the traditional primary colors – Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green.  

  • Red effects the Body
  • Blue effects the Mind
  • Yellow effects your Emotions, the Ego, and Self-Confidence
  • Green provides balance between the Mind, Body, and the Emotions.

You don’t, however, need commit to one color.  If you combine two different colors, you can experience the benefits of each included color.  For example, by combining a vibrant yellow with a vibrant blue, you will get a color that stimulates both emotions and your mind.


Check out the infographics, via SeeJaneWork, below for more information on the effect certain colors can have on us.

office_color_schemes_personality office_color_schemes_how_to_choose

So tell us – have you seen first hand benefits by being surrounded by these different colors?  What colors is your office?  Is it about time you touched up the break room, the creative department, or your office?

If you’re looking to spruce up your office space and see what sort of benefits color can have on you and your employees – Contact our experts today at or call (866) 574-5389 to find out how we can help!

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